Resource Library
Looking for forms, past newsletters, member lists, or fact sheets about our industry? This section has it all.
04.03.24 The Debt Resolution Dispatch 2024 Q1
12.19.23 The Debt Resolution Dispatch 2023 Q4
9.20.23 The Debt Resolution Dispatch 2023 Q3
Personal Cash Flow Assessment Form (English)
Personal Cash Flow Assessment Form (Spanish)
AADR Member Contact Information Form
AADR ACH Authorization Form for Membership Dues
Detectability of Membership Dues as a Business Expense
AADR Credit Card Authorization Form
Federal Fact Sheets & Model Bill
Federal AADR Debt Resolution 101.pdf
Federal AADR Debt Resolution By The Numbers.pdf
Federal AADR_MythbustersOnePager10.pdf
Federal AADR_OnePager6_101.pdf
Federal HeatMap One Pager v2.pdf
Q: When are AADR membership dues collected?
A: AADR accounting processes the membership dues around the 20th of each month.
Q: Are AADR membership dues tax deductible?
A: AADR filed an application for 501(c)(6) nonprofit status with the IRS. While 501(c)(6) entities may engage in political lobbying activity related to its organized exempt purpose , amounts paid for direct lobbying expenses at the federal and state level may not be deducted as a business expense. IRC 162. A deduction as a business expense is only allowed for that portion of dues or other payments to the organization that was not for political campaign or lobbying activities. Each year, AADR sends a memorandum to the membership advising of the percentage of dues that are deductible as a business expense. Please consult with your accountant or a tax professional for specific accounting advice regarding this matter.
Q: How long is an Executive Board Member term of office?
A: The members of the Executive Board are chosen from the AADR membership, or an outside of the industry representative may be appointed by the executive board with each serving for a three-year term beginning in January, ending in December.
Q: Can I nominate an employee at our company for an open seat on the AADR Executive Board of Directors?
A: AADR seeks nominations annually in the third quarter of each year for the Executive Board elections. Any AADR member in good standing may nominate an employee to be included on the ballot for the Executive Board election. The Executive Board reserves the right to request a biography and interview each nominee before adding to the final ballot. The final ballot is sent to all members. Submitted ballots are tallied and results announced to the membership before year-end.
Q: Does AADR require both front and back end companies be members?
A: Yes, a front end company cannot be a member if their servicing company is not an AADR member, and a back end company must require all of its front end companies to be a member.